Thursday, April 3, 2014


While Basil was sitting in the naughty corner (see previous post) I discovered another great pattern. Voodoo You Love Me? by Susan Claudino. It was love at first sight. I started making it with some sock yarn I had randomly bought. (I have quite a bit of yarn I've acquired from impulse buys). I wasn't completely in love with the redness of the yarn, but the doll was turning out so cute! My coworkers saw what I was working on and they fell in love with the pattern as well. I decided to name mine zombies instead of voodoo dolls....because I like zombies more...and you can have more fun with them. You'll see what I mean.

My first zombie ended up pinned to a cubicle wall at work while he awaited the completion of his legs. Problem was 1. I'd lost the yarn and 2. We were having fun with him being pinned to the wall, so it took about a month for those two little legs to get done. He did end up rather snazzy though.

Once he was done I immediately cast on for another version. This time it was purple. Because that's what his future owner requested. This poor thing gets picked on a lot at work when we get bored. Fortunately he's a lot tougher than I though he would be. If you squish his head right it looks like an onion.

Next I decided to see what would happen if you used SPARKLE yarn. I had originally bought this yarn to teach my sister how to knit with. After using it I've realized that this is not the easiest yarn to work with. It really hurts your hands after a while. That may be me holding the yarn too tight though. Anywho, the last of the first bunch ended up with shorter and skinnier arms because I wanted to see how it would look with icord arms. I had to make them half as long as the other dolls because it just looked weird with it longer.

I think she's pretty spiffy.

After this was all done I had another co-worker ask me to make her a doll too. Except instead of fingering weight (which I'd been using up to that point) she wanted me to use worsted weight.
You can't really tell but this guy is HUGE compared to the other ones. Easily twice the size. I'm awfully fond of the stitched eyebrow.

Apparently, her kids fell in love with the doll. This lead to two more dolls.
(There's a Kleenex box behind them, so you get an idea of how big they are).

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I love how these yarns look together. Not matchy, but not clashy either.

I mentioned at the beginning that you can have more fun with zombies. Whilst I was in the middle of all these projects I had a coworker request a doll, like several other had before her. I was expecting to make one very similar to the ones I had made before.

Then she handed me neon yarn....

And a bunch of gears to use for the eyes.....

Could I make it have an exposed brain?.....

And I was welcome to keep those gears and use them for WHATEVER I wanted.....

This is what she ended up with.

I have to say, one of the funnest toys I've made yet. Who knew that kitchen cotton made such great brains!!!

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